President Trump is making choices that will cut funding to the most needy Americans. At the same time, complaints are growing over the expense to protect his wife, who remains in New York. Forty Four wives of U.S. presidents have lived on Pennsylvania Ave., with their husbands. Melania Trump is the first FLOTUS to live in separate quarters, in another state.
The Secret Service has complained about the expense, as well as the additional manpower needed to cover the Trump family in The White House and at Trump Tower. The Washington Post estimates that it is costing over one million dollars daily to make sure Melania Trump and her son Baron are safe.
The poor are paying the price for Melania Trump's high living
The FLOTUS and her son are dining in fine restaurants, at the expense of the American people. Simultaneously, poor, elderly Americans may lose the one good meal they eat each weekday. This is a disgrace. Melania Trump should be forced to move to Pennsylvania Ave. and save the tax payers money.
Its been pointed out that only 3% of Meals on Wheels' funding is covered by the government. Those running the program, however, say that every dollar counts. White House budget director Mick Mulvaney stated that the program to feed seniors is not working, but he is incorrect. News outlets all over the nation are interviewing seniors who praise Meals On Wheels.
They all are saying that they would not survive without that one daily meal, 5 days a week. The bottom line still prevails. Millions are being spent on a woman whose husband is a billionaire, and older Americans are suffering.
First ladies of the United States always have their personal causes. Perhaps Melania Trump's cause should be that of putting Americans first, and helping the most vulnerable in our society.
Mrs. Trump needs to reside in the White House, and save this nation millions of dollars each day. She should make the most vulnerable in the nation her priority, and give rather than take from citizens of the United States.