President Donald Trump continues to refuse to back down from allegations that Barack Obama had Trump Tower under surveillance. Some Americans believe our 45th president, and await the evidence that will validate his claims. Information has now come forth, that proves the FBI had indeed been wiretapping Trump's high rise in New York City. Their surveillance was not aimed at The Donald. The target the Feds were spying on, was the Russians.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was issued a warrant that allowed them to spy on mobsters from the Kremlin for 2 years.

From 2011 until 2013, the FBI eavesdropped on a Russian organized crime money laundering ring. It happened to be set up in unit 63A of Trump Tower.

The plot thickens, and brings more questions

This new wrinkle certainly thickens the plot, and also brings more questions to the table. If this was the information that Donald Trump made reference to in his tweets, was he not aware that the Russians were the targets, and not he or his family? And if so, why was he not informed of these facts?

If indeed President Trump was given full disclosure, then the question changes. Now Americans would need to know why The Donald willfully misled the American people. If he knew it was the Russians, why would he give U.S.

citizens fake news, and say his predecessor set up surveillance to spy on him?

Why would President Trump tweet alternative facts, without having all necessary information at his disposal? Is this simply a character flaw of our leader, or was he trying to sabotage the reputation of former president Obama by accusing him falsely?

The Donald will remain The Donald

Those who voted for Donald Trump desired change from politics as usual. And they got it. We now have a president who discusses every issue on social media. One of his most recent Twitter tirades was against his former opponent. He tweeted that Hillary Clinton had been colluding with the Russians.

In the midst of alternative fact and fake news, one thing is certain. The Donald will continue to be the Donald. Those who believe he should apologize to Barrack Obama, and decreases his Twitter activity have thus far been disappointed. It would be nice if President Trump acknowledged that the Russians were running a gambling ring out of his building, but that's not likely. Our current Commander in Chief has not once admitted to misinforming the public, and he is showing no sign that he will change any time soon.