Chris Hemsworth made the best move in his entire career when he accepted Marvel’s offer to play the lead role in “Thor.” Ever since then he has exploded with popularity both professionally and on social media. He’s not only super ripped and attractive on pretty much every single level, but he’s also very frequently referred to as kind and easy to get along with by everyone who has ever met him. It’s features like these that are probably what makes him such a good fit for the role that he has become so famous for.
Working out to look the part
Part of what it would take to become so incredibly ripped and attractive is a whole lot of proper nutrition, commitment, and so much more time exercising and doing workouts than one could ever possibly imagine.
The exercises are as insanely difficult and rigorous as what you would imagine are pretty similar to that of an Olympic athlete. We’re talking about the kind of exercises that you go to a expensive and specific trainer for in order to learn them.
The secret is in the trainer
You’re probably asking yourself, “Who is this trainer you speak of, and why does Chris use him enough to put him in his videos?” Well, the trainer’s name is Luke Zocchi of “Zoco Body Pro,” which is his personal training company that he’s established, and he does not disappoint when it comes to people getting the results they want.
From what we’ve seen in the video, he has Chris doing bikes, curls, ropes, agility training, push ups, and much more.
It seems pretty obvious that although the workout might not necessarily be for everyone, it definitely works for Chris, and the results speak for themselves.
As for the reason that the exercises work so well, it’s actually pretty obvious: together, they combine cardio and strength training along with balance movements and agility, which if you know anything about going to the gym, is basically the perfect recipe for absolute success.
What exactly is he training for right now? Not exactly sure, but something tells us that it may have something to do with “Thor: Ragnarok,” or at least that’s what we’re hoping!