Om Puri the 66-year-old actor died this Sunday and what was initially thought of as a simple natural death has become murky. A post-mortem conducted on Om Puri has brought out startling revelations. It appears he did not die of a heart attack as alleged earlier. He was found lying naked on the floor with a deep gash on his head. This has obviously raised suspicion, that perhaps it was a case of homicide. The matter is not helped by an interview by his close friend Naseeruddin Shah, who said the actor was under severe depression. The actor also and had a strained relationship with his second wife.
The police have begun an investigation
Per the statement of the driver, he had left the actor in the company of 2 media persons and producer Khalid. He rang up the next day, but not getting a reply he went to the house and found it locked from inside. He was alarmed and went to the second wife's house and collected the duplicate key and opened the door. Om Puri was lying nude in the kitchen.The TV and other utilities were on. Obviously, he had passed out and his heavy drinking was a factor.
There is a lot of speculation regarding the death of the actor. An obscure channel in Pakistan has published a story that Om was killed by the duo of Narendra Modi and his security advisor Ajit Doval.
This is, of course, a fantasy, but just shows how many conspiracy theories are floating around.
Om, who had acted in Bollywood and Hollywood films, had in the last interview earned the wrath of all Indians for making disparaging comments about the death of an Indian soldier in a battle with terrorists. He later apologized, but the damage was done.
Om Puri had a distinguished career as a character actor, who acted in many Hollywood English films. He also acted in Pakistani films. He was a versatile actor but his death, which appears unnatural, is now being investigated by the police. It will not be an easy case to crack, but Om will be missed by Mumbai and Hollywood. He was unhappy and at one time was contemplating selling all his property and migrating to the USA