North Dakota is arguably the biggest hotspot in the country regarding COVID-19. Confirmed cases of the Coronavirus have been exploding across the state in recent weeks.
Around the same time, elections were being held around the United States for various political offices. Including for seats in state legislatures. David Andahl, a Republican, won a seat in the North Dakota House of Representatives. But tragically, he won't be able to fill it.
Died from COVID-19 four weeks before the election ended
David Andahl is technically a member-elect of the North Dakota House of Representatives.
The lower house of North Dakota's bicameral state legislature. However, as indicated by CNN, Andahl had previously contracted the novel coronavirus and died from it. According to NBC, he'd been admitted to a hospital because of the virus. He passed away less than a week afterward.
Andahl had been an agricultural worker. He also joined the Burleigh County, North Dakota Planning and Zoning Commission, eventually chairing it.
North Dakota Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem has been following the situation. Stenehjem has said the situation would be handled like it would be if a legislator resigned or retired mid-term. Another legislator would be chosen by a local chapter of the political party affiliated with the vacating individual.
In this case, it's the Republican Party.
The seat Andahl won was one of two from the 8th District in the State House. Dave Nehring, another Republican, won the other won. Andahl had previously defeated former Speaker of the House Jeff Delzer in the Republican primary.
Republicans had a good 2020 election night in North Dakota.
The party won a commanding majority in the State House and a significant majority in the State Senate. Republican candidates also won every single partisan statewide office.
Municipalities have taken additional measures in trying to halt the spread of COVID-19
State officials have implemented some steps in addressing the coronavirus pandemic.
Although not as many as some other states. Likely most notable is the lack of a mask mandate. Governor Doug Burgum made an emotional plea in favor of people wearing masks earlier this year. But so far, he has not enacted an enforceable measure regarding the matter. However, several of the state's largest cities have enacted mask mandates.
David Andahl's native Bismarck, the capital of North Dakota, is one of them. So is Fargo, the state's most populous city. Others include Grand Forks, Minot, and West Fargo. Officials from other cities have said they're considering implementing one.