On Tuesday (Mar. 13) trump traveled to California to tour the border wall prototypes. Upon Trump’s arrival, he was greeted by protestors and banners expressing opposition to the wall.
According to Trump, the goal of the trip was to view the sample walls and determine the next steps. The media was on hand for Trump’s comments, reactions, and to hear about any serious considerations or choices regarding the designs.
As the president gave his remarks alongside a Californian law enforcement officer, he pointed to a visual aid of a time when San Diego did not have a wall and pointed to the influx of Mexican immigrants.
Trump told the media that since the wall was built along San Diego’s border, years ago, it has since stopped about 90- 95% of illegal immigration.
Trump’s top picks for the wall
One of the biggest questions from the media was which wall did the POTUS like. Trump stated that he liked the ones with, “See-through capability on the other side and solid concrete on top or steel and concrete on top.” He also shared that the border agents liked wall systems that they were able to see through, and as such, one of the walls with metal slats was a favorite.
The POTUS went on to reaffirm his belief that the wall will significantly reduce, if not end illegal immigration, telling reporters the wall will, “be able to stop 99%, maybe more.” He told those in attendance that if America didn’t build the wall, then the US would have “a tremendous problem” –implying a massive illegal immigration issue would ensue and it would negatively impact the US.
The eager leader went on to tell the media, “The larger it is, the better it is because it is very hard to get over the top. It’s really a deterrent from getting over the top. Who would think? Who would think? But getting over the top is easy. These are like professional mountain climbers. They’re incredible climbers. They can’t climb some of these walls.
Some of them can. That’s why we’re not using them.”
Mexico is not paying for the wall
Let’s be clear, although, Trump has not publicly stated that Americans will pay for the wall, and Mexico is not paying for the wall. It is unclear if those who make up Trump’s loyal base have fully accepted this reality. In fact, the POTUS has backed off from saying Mexico will pay for the wall since Mexico’s leader, President Enrique Peña Nieto, eloquently informed the US that his country will not pay for Trump’s wall.
By the way, Mexico has an exemption from Trump’s recently proposed tariffs on aluminum and steel.
Another point of clarity for wall funding is that Trump has to go before Congress and ask for the money to fund this project. Keep in mind, Congress is us. Two other important notes of worth are that the wall will cost billions of dollars and will take years to build.
Couple these points with Trumps tax cuts which are projected to add billions of dollars to the already voluminous deficit, a volatile stock market, upcoming spending on infrastructure, continued lavish travel from lawmakers at America’s expense, redecorating of offices, and a military parade – all of it at America’s expense.
At some point on the wall journey, amid racist and disparaging commentary, one must question America’s level of concern — this, especially considering its leader is spending nonexistent money like crazy? America should also be reminded that the current POTUS has filed for bankruptcy four times. Can a country like the US file bankruptcy and if so, who bails America out? Russia?