While millions of people were celebrating the joyous transition into the year 2018, a sixteen-year-old boy from New Jersey turned New Year’s Eve into hell for his family. The juvenile shot and killed his Father, Mother, Sister and a family friend that came to visit, according to Wochit News. His grandfather and brother were the only lucky ones to flee the carnage.

Teen shot his family using a registered gun

According to ABC News, the County Prosecutor said he used a legally registered "semi-automatic rifle owned by a family member to shoot and kill his parents, sister and a family friend."

The individuals shot dead by the juvenile were Steven Kologi, the father of the teenager, aged 44, Linda Kologi, the mother of the teenager aged forty-two, Breiz Kologi the sister of the boy aged 18 and Mary Schultz, aged seventy. Mary Schultz was known as a “family acquaintance who came visiting for the New Year celebration,

Bruno Walter Montelione, a relative confirmed to that The Kologi'sfamily were very happy individuals frequently trying to do fun things with their youngsters.

He also said there that there were no issues of family violence as they were very caring individuals. The relative described the teenager as sensible, honest and a decent child. While he had learning disabilities, he could nevertheless distinguish between good and bad.

The unforeseen tragic death that happened to the Kologi's on January 1 eve is an example of what is becoming more prevalent in the USA. Hazarding a guess at why the teenager picked up a gun to finish off his family, it could be a mental health issue of depression. Apparently, the teenager had some a incapacity, and this could have been the source of depression. Being unable to deal with his challenges might have made him determined to finish it.

Several types of similar deaths occurred around the world, not solely in New Jersey.

A terribly tragic incident

At this time, however, that is all mere speculation. Police have not said he is mentally ill and have explicitly said that the teenager is going to be charged as an adult. They feel the law needs to take its full course on given the nature of the crime.

It was a terrible New Year for the family, and there will be multiple grieving for the survivors, the grandfather and the brother who managed to survive the shootings. A donation page has been set up for the burial of the deceased members of the family.

Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni said, "It’s a terribly tragic incident."