On Tuesday at the White House press briefing, Donald Trump's physician spoke to the media and gave an update on the president's health. After Trump received a fair assessment, the president's son decided to gloat on social media.
Trump's health
For the better part of the last two and a half years, many Americans questioned the physical and mental health of Donald Trump. Whether it's his reckless behavior or questionable eating habits, the former host of "The Apprentice" has caused speculation about his well-being, which only increased after the release of "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House." These questions were put to the test after Trump took part in a physical with White House Dr.
Ronny Jackson, who has previously worked with former presidents Barack Obama and George W Bush. At the press briefing on Tuesday, Jackson declare that the Trump was in good health, confirming he weighs 239 lbs and stood just under 6'3. However, Jackson did say that a diet was recommended so the president could drop up to 15 pounds, while also calling for regular exercise. Trump was quickly mocked by those who doubted the results, which promoted Donald Trump Jr. to fire back in a string of tweets on January 16.
Watching media trying to ask the Rear Admiral Jackson (The White House Dr) questions in ways that leaves an opening to attack @realDonaldTrump's health after an amazing report, cognitive & otherwise, is like watching Dumb & Dumber 1:1,000,000 "So you're saying there's a chance!"
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 16, 2018
Taking to Twitter on Tuesday afternoon, Donald Trump Jr.
was quick to come to the defense of his father. "Watching media trying to ask the Rear Admiral Jackson (The White House Dr) questions in ways that leaves an opening to attack @realDonaldTrump's health after an amazing report, cognitive & otherwise, is like watching Dumb & Dumber," he wrote.
More #winning. 30 out of 30. I look fwd to @ScottAdamsSays take but mine is that the left has to stop hitching their wagon to BS sound bytes they want to be true so they don’t get shut down this hard all the time. They keep losing any credibility they had left! https://t.co/d9L8EB1HXd
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 16, 2018
"More #winning.
30 out of 30," Donald Jr. added in a follow-up tweet. "The left has to stop hitching their wagon to BS sound bytes they want to be true so they don’t get shut down this hard all the time. They keep losing any credibility they had left!" he went on to tweet. In his final tweet on the matter, Donald Jr. cited David Martosko of the Daily Mail to push back against allegations that the president has mental issues, writing, "Now can we test the media for #TrumpDerangementSyndrome?"
Now can we test the media for #TrumpDerangementSyndrome? https://t.co/RMGsuSzmn4
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 16, 2018
Instant reaction
In response to Donald Trump Jr's tweets, critics instantly went on the attack.
"Except your father, not his doctor issued a statement to the press boasting about his 'exceptional' health. If you're father wasn't so corrupt, journalists wouldn't be trying to expose that corruption. Take some responsibility for once in your life," one tweet read in detail.
IDK bout that - I suspect that we may find out the Doc has just purchased a brand new expansive property in the Hamptons, and a private island off the coast of Russia, you know because he's been saving money (wink wink)
— LittleSukiChuckelate (@mibella1967) January 16, 2018
Whatever Junior. Y'all still getting your assets seized and going to jail. At least if your old man had something wrong, that would've been taken into account during sentencing. Now, he'll just get the max since he's healthy enough.
— Silence Dogood (@PolitiTroll1776) January 16, 2018
That Doctor also said your Daddy was 239lbs ? Not a chance the chin and one leg would way 239lbs your head and a box of chocolates weighs 150lbs
— Leyton Tomas (@thomas_leyton) January 17, 2018
"He's a fat idiot, Fredo.
You're asking us to not use our eyes and ears," one Twitter user wrote. "30 out of 30 should fit nicely next to his 30% approval rating," an additional tweet noted. "So much winning especially in money laundering: Just a coincidence that Deutsche is only bank that loans Trump Crime Family," yet another tweet stated.
Except your father, not his doctor issued a statement to the press boasting about his 'exceptional' health. If you're father wasn't so corrupt, journalists wouldn't be trying to expose that corruption. Take some responsibility for once in your life.
— Wayne Smith #FBPE (@waynesmith1971) January 16, 2018
So all the test proved was his lying evil cruel narcissism comes to him naturally.
— @vi44 (@Vi44) January 16, 2018
30 out of 30 are the number of cell mates you're gonna be fellating
— Viva La Resistance (@TrumpsBrain) January 16, 2018
"Brilliant news,he’s fully fit to face trail then," a tweet stated. "So all the test proved was his lying evil cruel narcissism comes to him naturally," a Twitter user added.