As accusers continue to come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct and assault against Alabama GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore, Kayla Moore, his wife of 32 years, continues to stand by him. On Friday, Mrs. Moore gave a speech on the steps of the Alabama Capitol building discussing Mr. Moore's decision to not withdraw from the race and the fallaciousness of these women's allegations.
"He just has never, one time lifted a finger to me," said Mrs. Moore during the "Women for Moore" rally on Friday. "He is the most gentle, most kind man that I have ever known in my life. He's godly."
Mrs. Moore also thanked the people of Alabama for supporting her husband during the rally. Mrs. Moore gave this speech hours after Beverly Young Nelson accused Mr. Moore of allegedly sexually assaulting her when she was a teenager, according to CNN.
The New York Times is reporting nine women have accused Mr. Moore of alleged sexual misconduct, assault, and harassment. Four of these women told their story through a Washington Post article last week in which they alleged Mr.
Moore pursued them when they were teenagers and Mr. Moore was in his 30s. Mr. Moore has repeatedly denied these allegations.
Alabama governor
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey said on Friday that she plans on voting for Mr. Moore despite the allegations, according to the Huffington Post. Ivey said to reporters after the annual Thanksgiving turkey pardon, it is important to have a Republican in the United States Senate to vote on major decisions such as Supreme Court justices.
Ivey said she has no reason to disbelieve the accusers, but she does find the timing of these allegations to be "curious." The Alabama Republican Party announced on Thursday they will stand by Moore and he should be "presumed innocent" unless proven guilty.
The election
According to the Chicago Tribune, Mr. Moore is ignoring Washington Republicans who are concerned if he stays in the race, they will lose a seat they were expected to win to Democrat Doug Jones. A Fox News Poll released Thursday shows Jones leading the race by eight points. According to the poll, 68 percent of female voters give their support to Jones.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Mr. Moore may face an ethics complaint in he wins the race. This complaint would lead to a vote on his expulsion, according to Politico. The Republican party also sees no other option concerning this race, besides a write-in vote of a Republican in Alabama, according to Politico.