On Wednesday, the White House officials asked Congress to provide $29 billion to the hurricane relief and to pay federal Flood Insurance, FOX News reported. Around $200 million is spent daily for emergency hurricane response, and the number of federally insured, which require help after the disaster, is growing.

The fund difficulties for relief operations

According to Mick Mulvaney, the governmental budget director, the program of the federal insurance "is not designed to handle catastrophic losses." Instead, Mulvaney introduced the possible changes which would allow the officials to drop from the program properties that had repeatedly suffered from the disaster.

In September, Congress ordered to provide $15.3 billion aid package for the grant rebuilding funds and repairing works. Mick Mulvaney noted that 20,000 federal relief workers have been taking part in the recovery efforts. To provide $200 million daily, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) needs additional money.

The price tag for 2017 hurricanes was estimated to be around $44 billion before serious rebuilding efforts. The final amount of the necessary money will be announced after The White House officials estimate the damage in Puerto Rico, which takes some time.

The government's aims to provide relief

The final package, which will be provided by the end of 2017, is aimed at rebuilding the infrastructure, the houses which owners do not have insurance, and possibly reconstitute the broken electrical grid in Puerto Rico.

Rodney Frelinghuysen, House Appropriations Committee Chairman, said that Congress should provide everything necessary to the hurricanes' victims, but he also added that the recovery process would be very long, and "this next round of funds certainly won't be all that is needed."

On October 3, President Trump came to Puerto Rico, which terribly suffered from the natural disasters in the middle of September. President Trump noted that the Trump administration had spent a lot of money on the island.

He praised the officials who were responsible for the relief efforts and evacuations. President Donald Trump noted that “We’ve saved a lot of lives.”

President Trump stated that the government's debt of Puerto Rico would be "wiped out." But the following day, Mulvaney stated that the government was "not going to be offering a bailout for Puerto Rico."