Famous Bollywood and Hollywood star, Priyanka Chopra, described in the "Marie Claire Power Trip" talk session, that people like Harvey Weinstein affect many women’s lives in a terrible way and make them do whatever they want.

Priyanka recalled her hard times fighting with sexism when she was climbing to Bollywood stardom. She insisted that just like all other young actresses, she also tackled many obstacles to reach where is she now.

The Indian actor and miss world winner said, "Not only one in Hollywood, there are many like him. It's everywhere." She revealed the statement after Weinstein was exposed over sexual harassment cases by many actresses and models.

A problem for every woman

Many women have come forward after Harvey Weinstein Case. Many described how the American film producer raped and sexually assaulted them. An anonymous Italian actress and model told the Los Angeles Police department that she was raped by Weinstein in a hotel near Beverly Hills in 2013.

Priyanka Chopra added,“There are many more men, and not just in India, but everywhere else.

Men are trying to take away power from women." She elaborated that these sort of cases are not happening only in Hollywood, but all over the world. Wherever a woman tries to fulfill her big dreams, she faces the evils of sexism.

The Indian actress is currently in the US shooting for the third session of the American television show Quantico.

No options

The "Quantico" actress added, “if you don't stroke someone's ego or network, you're threatened that you'll not get that movie. They will get together and oppose you.”

She described how often many male film producers don’t recommend a good actress just because she refuses to fulfill their sexual demands. As a woman, you feel "alone and weak" to do what you were dreaming of for a long time.

Sometimes, this is the only way you have, to get through to be recommended for short roles.

"So, as a woman, you feel alone, that my work might get shattered, because this club can just take that away," said the 35-year-old actor.

One in a million

Allegations from different actress and models are only digging the abyss deeper for Weinstein. Even though this case is just a grain of sand, it can make many fame-seeking actresses conscious about the difficult road to fame.

It’s also a lesson for many other ‘Weinsteins’ who view women as sex tools and ignore their passion and determination. It’s all across the globe and a shame in the era where people talk about women empowerment.