The Body of a small child was found on Monday, less than one mile away from the northern Texas home where three-year-old Sherin Mathews went missing two weeks ago. As reported by the Dallas News, while the remains are still pending official identification and an autopsy, the body is believed to be that of Sherin and was lying in a culvert close to the family’s home.

Child’s remains may be missing Sherin Mathews

It was reported earlier this month that three-year Sherin had gone missing, after her father, Wesley Mathews, had made her stand outside the home in the middle of the night, to punish her for not drinking her milk. The father was arrested at the time for child endangerment but was released on bail.

After the remains of a small child, believed to be Sherin, were discovered in a culvert near the family home, Mathews is once again under arrest. According to a report by USA Today, Mathews handed himself in Monday night to Richardson Police and reportedly came up with a new story about his adopted daughter’s disappearance, which police did not go on to detail.

Whatever the child’s father said, it was sufficient for police to place him under arrest on a charge of felony injury to a child, where he remains on a $1 million bond.

Timeline of child’s disappearance

Originally Mathews had said he had made Sherin stand by a tree in their backyard at 3 a.m. as a punishment for not drinking her milk, despite the fact that he had said he knew there were coyotes in the area. It was 15 minutes later that Mathews went to check on Sherin, only to find she was gone. However, he then took five hours to report the disappearance to the police. According to police, Mathews said he did laundry while he waited for dawn to break, after which he went searching for his missing daughter.

Sini Mathews, Mathew’s wife, and the adoptive mother was reportedly unaware of Sherin’s disappearance as she was sleeping at the time of the punishment. Police say the mother is not currently facing any charges. After Sherin disappeared, Child Protective Services removed the Mathews’ biological daughter into their custody. Dallas News confirmed that authorities said the biological child will remain in custody for now.

At the time of Sherin's disappearance, Mathews had told the police that she was adopted from India in 2016. He explained she was malnourished and developmentally disabled when she joined the family and that they were told to feed her a special diet – possibly including the milk for which she was punished – in an effort to increase her weight.