Tyler Perry has pledged $1 million for relief and recovery efforts saying he had no choice but to select the recipients very carefully.
Millions of dollars wasted
After another devastating event in 2005, that of Hurricane Katrina, Perry says he gave millions of dollars in relief efforts but those who were supposed to get the money, never did. He laments the number of hypocritical, selfish people out there who rejoice at others’ pain and use it to benefit themselves. This time around he says he was “looking for people who were boots on the ground, who could help immediately, people that I trust, people that I know are going to do the right thing.”
There was much controversy earlier this week when Pastor Joel Osteen reportedly refused to open the doors to his Lakewood Church to those seeking shelter.
But Perry has stepped up defending his friend, saying there was no way any of those allegations were true. The Church that seats 16,000 people eventually welcomed people late Tuesday morning.
So far, Perry has given $250,000 to Pastor Osteen's Church and the same amount to efforts involving Houston native, pastor, Rudy Rasmus. Other celebrities have also pitched in generously to help with the relief efforts. More than $10 million has been pledged with many of the stars taking to social media to generate more support for those who are suffering.
Celebrities support financially
Matching Tyler Perry’s donation, actress Sandra Bullock has given aid groups in Houston and $1 million to the Red Cross.
She pleaded with people to put aside politics and their other differences for the moment and focus on humanity and selfless giving. People Magazine quoted her as saying “There are no politics in eight feet of water, there are human beings in eight feet of water.” Popular comedian Kevin Hart also initiated a “Harvey Challenge” to get donations streaming in.
He pledged $25,000 to the Red Cross and called on his Industry colleagues to follow suit. Those included Beyonce, fellow comedian Chris Rock and actor Jerry Seinfeld.
Celebrities also came out in droves to help the displaced and suffering in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Many of them, including Jamie Foxx and John Travolta, delivered medical supplies and food.
Steven Spielberg, George Clooney and Jay-Z donated huge sums racking up in the millions of dollars. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie bought a multi-million dollar home in the damaged French Quarter and then set up a nonprofit housing group called Make It Right to build 150 energy-efficient houses in the Lower Ninth Ward.
On the 12th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Harvey came ashore just one week ago with devastating impact. Dumping trillions of gallons of rain, it has gone down in the record books as the strongest storm to hit Texas in more than 50 years. 50 people are now feared dead, with the toll expected to grow even more. More than one million people have been displaced.
While many Americans are now battling it out among themselves for food, clothing and shelter, there’s word of another impending disaster.
Irma, which has now strengthened into a Category 3 hurricane, is expected to hit next week. It is not sure whether or not it will make landfall in the US, but for now, Haiti and the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico are on alert for possible devastation.