Duncan Lou Who (the boxer's full name) has beaten the odds several times in the four years he has been around. Now the two-legged dog has done it again. After the family had a collision with a bison, Duncan went missing, but he is finally back home again.
Dog born with fused back legs
When Duncan was born, he had a badly deformed pelvis and his rear legs had fused together. Their veterinarian told Gary Walters and Amanda Giese, Duncan’s owners, they had to make a decision. They could either euthanize the dog, or remove his fused rear legs. Walters told the Idaho State Journal that the family opted for surgery.
Once his legs were amputated, Duncan was up and around again. The family let the boxer heal and then tried fitting him with a special wheelchair, but Duncan didn’t take to it. They finally let him go his own way and he has been getting around fine on just two legs ever since. He even has his own Instagram page and regularly appears on YouTube.
Duncan Lou Who was found!! Yay, I'm so relieved after keeping my eye on this story the last few days: https://t.co/P20MRgkvR8 pic.twitter.com/v5XCcxDExH
— Melissa (@CMGRmelissa) August 8, 2017
Duncan goes missing after an accident
As reported by East Idaho News, the family was distraught on Friday at around 11 p.m. when they were driving with Duncan, their other two dogs, and their two children from Yellowstone National Park to Island Park.
Their son Beast was driving and as they went down a hill, a bison ran out and hit the car.
According to Walters, their truck ended up rolling several times before finally coming to a stop -- luckily no one suffered any serious injuries. However, they then had to search for their three dogs. They found one almost immediately and the second was found under the truck.
However, Duncan had gone missing. The family then began their frantic search for their missing dog.
Search launched for the missing pup
Walters and Giese run Panda Paws Rescue, an organization for animals with special needs like Duncan himself. Giese immediately headed to Facebook to announce that their beloved dog was missing.
Around 30-40 people immediately came out to help in the search for the missing dog. While the group searched with no success, Giese received a call at around 3 p.m. from a man who had seen a two-legged dog at a rock quarry, some three miles away.
They finally tracked him down after a 17-hour search. Naturally the family was thrilled to have Duncan back. Walters said he couldn’t explain how it felt to think they might never see Duncan again. Watch the two-legged dog in action on a beach in the video included below: