Getting people to work together is difficult. Luckily, Google built powerful Tools that allow multiple users to work on the same project at the same time. And in order to improve the features of its online editing tools, the web giant is rolling out a new set of exciting upgrades.
A new set of upgrades for Google tools
Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides comprise the roster of powerful real-time editing tools by Google.
The tools allow teams to work on the same document at the same time. And to address issues and increase the efficiency of work, Google introduces a new set of editing tool features. According to The Verge, some of the upgrades are long overdue while others are smart new improvements.
The Google Blog enumerates and describes its tool upgrades. Perfecting documents requires numerous edits and updates. The first upgrade allows team members to track all the changes made to a certain document easily. With the new update, teams can customize document names. This way, teams can develop a systematic naming convention that will facilitate efficient tracking of the progress of the document they are working on.
It can also serve as a means of determining a document’s completion status. Changes can be tracked under the version history tab which can be accessed via the select file option.
The upgrade includes a button that allows users to reject to apply suggested edits. The upgrade also introduces a “clean versions” preview option. This option displays a clean document, free from any suggested edits or comments. Both functionalities can be accessed in the Select Tools Tab in the review suggested edits option.
Users can now make edits on shared documents while they are on the go. Changes in a specific document may now be suggested via iPhone, iPad or Android devices. The option can be accessed through the three dots located in the bottom right portion of the display.
The suggest changes toggle should be enabled, and mobile suggestions should be made while using the suggestion mode.
Customizable templates are now available
To enhance to increase efficiency, documents are prepared using templates that follow a particular set of formatting. Add-ons are also developed. The new Google upgrade brings these two functions together. The update launches new templates that are customized with add-ons. These give users the ability to customize templates and get the work done in the manner expected. Google provided five examples of the customizable templates in the application gallery.