When Eric Bolling, the Fox News, and Fox Business personality, was suspended from his on air duties pending an investigation into allegations of sexting, many people had a sense of déjà vu. FNC had previously been rocked by the forced resignations of its founder Roger Ailes and one of its most well-known on air personalities Bill O’Reilly under accusations of sexual harassment. Bolling has also been accused by one former female Fox guest of sexual harassment.

However, Bolling has decided to pursue a different strategy by slapping the Huffington Post reporter to the tune of $50 million.

What does the law suit contend?

Bolling has filed a $50 million lawsuit claiming that the Huffington Post reporter Yashar Ali defamed him by "highly reckless publication of actionable false and misleading statements about the plaintiff’s conduct and character.” The story that Ali published, using unidentified sources, damaged Bolling’s reputation. The two also left dueling tweets in which Bolling promised to continue to fight to clear his name, and Ali stated that he stood by his reporting and would protect his sources.

Why file the law suit now?

Accusations of sexual harassment are among the most toxic that one can issue or receive in the work place. Bolling is accused of a particularly gross act, texting pictures of his private parts unsolicited to several female employees at Fox. The same kind of behavior ruined the career and life of former Rep. Anthony Weiner.

By filing the suit, Bolling is making a positive assertion that he did not do it and is daring Ali to prove that he did in a court of law. Ali is in a precarious position in that he is relying on unnamed sources and has promised to continue not to name them. Unless the Huffington Post reporter has copies of the offending texts that indicate they came from Bolling’s account or if any of the unnamed accusers voluntarily come forward, Bolling would seem to have an excellent case.

The suit will allow Bolling’s lawyers to perform discovery on Ali and his associates. The matter is being investigated internally at Fox as well.

The real reason for the story?

Many of Bolling’s defenders point out that he is a conservative voice on the most widely viewed cable news networks on the planet and a warm ally of President Donald Trump. Some have speculated that the original Huffington Post story and the accusation of sexual harassment that was published in the Hill constitute an effort to take Bolling out, ruining his career and life. Bolling, particularly if he didn’t do it (and he enjoys a presumption of innocence under the law) is taking the only step he can be challenging his accuser in Open Court in a shock and awe gambit to clear his name.