Charlie Gard, the Terminally Ill 11-month-old baby who was denied permission to fly to the United States to partake in an experimental treatment that had never before been done on humans has, unfortunately, passed away this evening. Since he was just a few months old, little Charlie has been living at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London to monitor his deteriorating condition.
"Our beautiful little boy has gone, we are so proud of you Charlie," his mother, Connie Yates said in a statement just after the news broke that her son had slipped away.
The battle for Charlie's life
A controversial battle waged on for Charlie's life that lasted for the past several months and resulted in court battles for Charlie's parents. The little boy, who would be one year old on August 4, was born with a faulty RRM2B gene. Because of this, the little one could not move or breathe on his own, which was in a way, incompatible with life.
His parents wanted to take him to the United States to seek controversial and experimental care to help save his life, even though it was incredibly expensive and had never been tested on a human being before. American scientist Michio Hirano provided some hope for the parents by stating that he could take him on, but results for Charlie's care was never promised.
They battled with several courts and after lengthy appeals and examinations by doctors, it was ruled that it would be more humane to allow the baby to die peacefully rather than put him through treatment that had very little success of actually working in the end.
Parents concede
Just a few days ago, Charlie's parents gave up the battle to take their son overseas for the controversial treatment.
They acknowledged that it was too late for the boy to receive the treatment anyway and that they would now simply enjoy anytime they had with him left. They finally gave in to the courts, even after Donald Trump said he would make the child a permanent US resident so he could get treatment. But this only happened after Hirano confirmed with a new scan that the treatment would no longer work, even at an experimental level on the baby boy.
Some have blamed the window of opportunity being lost on the lawmakers who were unwilling to allow Charlie to seek medical treatment in the United States, while others say that the treatment was incredibly experimental and had very little chance of succeeding no matter what. Still, this is indeed, a travesty for his parents.