Although Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort agreed to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, initially scheduled for Wednesday, it will likely not be a public testimony. The New York Post reported that the two, who with Jared Kushner, met Russians on June 9 at the Trump Tower, are negotiating the terms of their appearances.

The New York Daily News reported that the two agreed to private interviews, however, the committee could subpoena them in the future if needed.

The committee is negotiating with Donald Jr. and Manafort about the possible turnover of documents related to the meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, according to Republican Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley and Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

Veselnitskaya offered them a dossier that could prove the Democrats allegedly accepted dirty money from a Russian company that backed the Magnitsky Act. She came with three other people – a translator, a friend, and a representative of the Agaralov family who was behind the meeting. Also present was Rob Goldstein, a British publisher who arranged the meeting with Donald Jr.

through email.

Kushner’s testimony

The closed-door testimony of Kushner is scheduled separately for Monday with the Senate intelligence committee and on Tuesday with the House intelligence committee. Donald Jr. said they did not get any report from the Russians about Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate, that they could use against her in the 2016 campaign because Veselnitskaya steered the conversation to the adoption of Russia children by American families blocked by the Act. While the three failed to get any political dirt about Clinton, they possibly violated election rules on soliciting a contribution from foreign sources, including information.

The committee also subpoenaed Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS, the company that worked with Veselnitskaya, but he declined to attend the hearing on Wednesday.

Simpson’s attorney suggested he will plead against self-incrimination and cite the Fifth Amendment.

Hot on Manafort’s trail

It is not just the two committees that want to hear what Manafort has to say. Special counsel Robert Mueller is studying the financial and real estate records of the former Trump campaign chairman for possible money laundering. Mueller is also looking into the income tax return of President Donald Trump which angered the billionaire.

The New York Daily News reported that Manafort purchased three properties in New York between 2006 and 2014. One of the units was in the Trump Tower in Manhattan which he paid in full and later took mortgages on. According to an ex-senior American law enforcement official, that is one way to hide money obtained illegally, although there is no independent evidence that Manafort engaged in that.

To make Manafort cooperate, Mueller’s team reportedly could threaten him with criminal charges. Jason Maloni, the spokesman for Manafort, said in a statement that the former Trump campaign chairman is not a cooperating witness. Maloni, however, said the stories about Manafort being in debt by $17 million which came from anonymous sources and leakers are false.