After the suspense and drama of the United States Senate vote on Tuesday, which enabled the Republicans to advance to the Senate floor debate on overhauling Obamacare and the country’s health care policy, what are the next battlegrounds?
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer D-New York was quick to give his reaction saying that those who think that the fight over health care is over are “sadly mistaken.” Senator Schumer led a united Democrats in voting against the motion to proceed. They were joined by two Republican senators, Susan Collins, R-Maine and Liza Murkowski, R-Alaska.
The motion could have been defeated if not for the dramatic vote in favor cast by Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, which made the voting outcome a tie. Vice President Mike Pence tipped the balance to the Republicans by casting his tie-breaking vote in favor of the motion, 51-50.
Many Republicans don’t like this bill
Senator Schumer pointed out in his statement that many Republicans do not like the bill and do not want to vote for it. The New York Senator went on to say that those who voted to send the bill to conference voted to “kick millions off health care,” make it much harder for people with the pre-existing condition to get coverage, to “slash Medicaid” and to give the rich huge tax cuts.
Repeal and replace Obamacare
As if to prove Schumer’s point, the US Senate, hours after the dramatic vote, rejected a Republican proposal to repeal-and-replace Obamacare. This outcome is due to the difficulty of the Republicans to find a plan they can agree on.
Voting 43-57, what is considered the most comprehensive plan to replace Obama’s health care act fell short of the 60 votes it needs to overcome a parliamentary objection.
This does not bode well to the Republican’s objective of passing final health care legislation within the week, according to the New York Times.
A victory for Donald Trump?
With procedural hurdle out of the way and the debate on the comprehensive amendment of the US health care policy proceeding, President Donald Trump said, “Now we move forward towards great health care for the American people.”
He also thanked and praised the bravery of Sen.
John McCain for coming to Washington and casting his critical vote despite having been diagnosed with brain cancer just recently.
The US president also pointed out that “zero Democrats” voted in favor the motion as well as criticized the two Republican senators who voted with the Democrats in rejecting the motion to proceed.