Lenovo is primarily known as the company behind the Motorola handsets in the market and also because of the impressive laptops and tablets available in the markets. However, the electronics company has been developing a lot more advanced technology recently. Some of these were shown off at the company’s annual Tech World innovation summit. These included Lenovo’s augmented reality headset and also other products like a Smart Speaker-projector.

Lenovo daystAR

Lenovo revealed its prototype augmented reality headsets at the event, which may soon revolutionize the way people perceive the technology. The daystAR device is a standalone visual processing unit with a viewing angle of up to 40 degrees. Most importantly, the device does not require to be connected to a PC or smartphone to work, which is why Lenovo expects developers to use its homegrown AR devices to create applications that can work on the daystAR.

SmartCast+ smart speaker-projector concept

At the event, Lenovo also showed off a concept for its smart speaker cum projector. The company also said that that the device would be able to perform more functions than the smart speakers in the market currently.

The design which was revealed does not seem like a well thought out one and may require further work. The company said that the speaker would also be able to project images on a surface through its projector functionality.

Cava AI Assistant

Similar to the Google Assistant, Siri, and Bixby Lenovo is also working on its digital assistant, which would be housed in the SmartCast+ device if it becomes a reality. Lenovo revealed that its AI would be smarter than both Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. Cava will use deep learning to integrate facial recognition technology and will also be able to pick up new languages upon use.

SmartVest: the world’s first ECG wear

This next concept is revolutionary and may help people in the future to keep a constant check on their heart rate and monitor abnormalities in heart beats.

The ECG vest is fitted with sensors that can pick up even the smallest of change in the heart’s rhythm. While fitness trackers are already available in the market, it seems Lenovo still expects people to buy the SmartVest.

Lastly, the company also showed off the Xiaole customer service platform, which can learn from previous interactions to provide a better service the next time around. While all of the above are still in the conceptual stages and are years away from being released in the market, it still shows that Lenovo is trying to expand its reach in the market and is not afraid to experiment.