The Tweet storm between conservative commentator Ann Coulter and Delta Airlines continued unabated. Coulter initiated the exchange by complaining how she was unceremoniously removed from an extra leg room seat (she is six feet tall) for another passenger. Delta Airlines has responded by pointing out that the difference in price between the seat she was bounced from and the one she was given was $30. The airline tweeted some other things as well.
Airline finds her insults 'unacceptable'
Someone at Delta Airlines tweeted in response to Coulter's original tweet storm that the airline was sorry she was not seated in her assigned seat and would be refunded the $30 difference.
The airline added that it found her insults about the other passengers and flight attendants on the flight "unacceptable and unnecessary." This rather snarky rejoinder triggered Ms. Coulter to expand on her complaint.
Coulter continues to complain
Coulter started by pointing out that the issue was not the $30 but rather that Delta had unceremoniously denied her a seat that she had pre booked and paid for. She was, by her account, not given an explanation as to why this was taking place. Coulter also added some more of the insults that affronted Delta by comparing the legs of the passenger who had received her seat to that of a dog. She suggested that something cannot be insulting if they are true.
She also tried to arrange for the CEO of Delta to appear on a radio program she was slated to appear on.
Social media reacts
A considerable number of people on Twitter were entirely unsympathetic to Coulter, thinking that she was making much to do about very little. One tweet suggested racism at the heart of Coulter's ire (the other passenger had a dark complexion.) Another tweet tried to connect what happened to the conservative commentator with President Trump’s immigration policies and the travel ban.
Delta works to repair
Someone at Delta Airlines seemed to realize that pushing back on a woman with an enormous ego and 1.6 million Twitter followers was a bad idea, no matter how outrageously she was behaving. Irate customers often do or say things they might not otherwise do when they feel that they are not being treated properly by a company.
In any case, Delta tweeted, "We are sorry you did not receive the preferred seat you paid for and will refund you $30."
That was, of course, how the airline should have handled the matter from the very beginning. Now Delta has to soothe someone who is paid millions to complain about government policies and the malfeasance of politicians. Otherwise, Delta may be the subject of one of Coulter's one-word title books that become New York Times bestsellers.