Despite epa staffers complaining about President Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts, it still didn’t stop them from charging taxpayers $15,000 for gym memberships. Receipts obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show the Las Vegas Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) division purchased one-year “Super-Sport” 24 Hour Fitness memberships for 37 employees worth $399.99 a year.

The freeloading employees work at the EPA’s division in Las Vegas across the street from the University of Nevada (UNLV). The EPA branch is also home to a library and research laboratory on campus, where EPA employees and contractors conduct research. The agency also leases five buildings from the university.

The revelations come after EPA employees told media outlets they were extremely upset with the president’s proposed budget cuts released last month. In it, Trump brought EPA spending down to 1992 levels, or $5.7 billion. Some employees have reported going to work in tears while others are demoralized over Trump’s victory.

Hypocritical budget worries

Other staffers say they were disheartened that Scott Pruitt was now leading the EPA and started leaking information to the press on the changes he was rolling out. Others have published “open” resignation letters so media outlets can run them, admonishing the new EPA administrator for slamming the Paris climate accord and rescinding Obama-era climate change rules.

The 24 Hour Fitness memberships are just another example of government waste. The 37 memberships totaled nearly $15,000 a year and began last April. The one-year membership included martial arts classes, certified personal trainers, cardio, yoga, and GX24 classes where members can “sweat it out together.”

Taxpayer-funded lifestyle

Despite a state-of-the-art gym on the UNLV campus, the EPA instead purchased princely memberships at 24 Hour Fitness and charged it off to taxpayers.

The university’s gym is 184,000 square feet and would cost EPA employees only $25 a month, or $300 a year.

Oddly enough, the UNLV gym also gives members high-end features. They include a “state-of-the-art” relaxation room, massage chairs, personal fitness trainers, fitness evaluations, a licensed dietician, spa, leisure pool, indoor track for jogging, and a unisex bathroom.

While very few companies offer free gym memberships, it’s even odder for a federal agency that whined about budget cuts to then waste taxpayer money on gym fees. The EPA never responded to comments.