The Washington Post reports that the former U.S. Senator from Alabama and the sitting U.S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, had two separate conversations with the Russian ambassador during the presidential campaign. Sessions strongly supported Donald Trump and acted as a campaign surrogate on his behalf. The issue is not that Sessions met with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, but that Sessions failed to mention the meeting during his Senate confirmation hearings to become the Attorney General.

The Post reported that the meetings took place in July and September of last year.

During his confirmation hearing last month, Sessions explicitly stated he "did not have communications with the Russians." With the backdrop of this news from the Post, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called for him to resign as the U.S. Attorney General.

Growing chorus of Democrats call for Jeff Sessions to resign as US Attorney General

Sen. Elizabeth Warren said this was "not normal," and called the developments "very real and serious threat to the national security of the United States." She called for an independent, bi-partisan outside commission.

She went on to say that Sessions should have never been confirmed in the first place and that he should now resign due to the revelations.

Democrats demand an 'independent commission' to investigate Trump ties to Russia

Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi released a statement and said that Sessions "must resign" and calling him "not fit to serve as the top law enforcement officer" She called for an "independent, bipartisan, outside commission" to look into the Trump contacts with Russia. Other Democrats calling for the resignation of Session include Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and Rep. Sheila Jackson (D-TX).

Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) participated in a town hall on CNN with Senator John McCain (R-AZ) on Wednesday.

While Sen. Graham did not go as far as Pelosi, Warren and other Democrats, but he did say we need a "special prosecutor" if Sessions did meet with the Russians. Both said they want "answers" on the ties with Sessions. It was National Security Adviser, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, that was forced to resign over Russian contacts.