Even Fox News has grown weary of Kellyane Conway, the controversial presidential counselor to Donald Trump. Case in point, Fox News Anchor Shepard Smith has had enough of Ms. Conway's antics and her unsubstantiated and ludicrous comments defending Trump and attacking President Barack Obama with silly innuendos. The latest comment about "microwaves that turn into cameras" went viral on social media several days ago and still has plenty of steam.
Shepard Smith commented on his news show that we just do not quote Conway much anymore citing her "history" of silly statements. For example, he said, “Microwaves do not turn into cameras. Fox News can now confirm microwaves heat food,” he said. “Cameras take pictures.”
Conway comment about 'microwaves' widely mocked even days later
These widely mocked comments by Conway came in an interview on Sunday in her Alpine (New Jersey) home with Mike Kelly, a hometown writer/columnist with The Bergen County (N.J.) Record. She argued that microwaves turning into cameras a "fact of modern life." But the comments and tweets keep coming.
Carl Bernstein asks media to stop taking Kellyanne Conway seriously
Carl Bernstein, of Watergate fame, has also blasted away at Conway. On CNN, he said that we have to "stop taking her seriously" because she is "not a serious person." Appearing with CNN’s Don Lemon, Bernstein called for her being dropped from the news agenda. Bernstein does not view her comments as "silly" but labeled her comments as "dangerous." Bernstein called on the media to focus on the real stories and challenges facing the nation under the Trump administration.
The discussion also turned to the White House trying to walk back the comments when Press Secretary Sean Spicer accused the press of misunderstanding what Trump meant by the word "wiretapping." He claimed that because the word was in "quotes" it meant something else other than "wiretapping." The White House press corps in the James Brady Briefing Room were taken aback by Spicer's explanation of the infamous tweet from Trump.