A group, which dubs itself the Anonymous Environmental Activists Collective has “spoken up” Sunday morning against Donald Trump’s policies, by leaving a message under cover of night. Carved into the greens of Trump’s Rancho Palos Verdes golf course in Los Angeles, in letters six foot high, they stated, “NO MORE TIGERS, NO MORE WOODS.”

The environmentalists captured their actions on video (included at the end of this article), sending it to the Washington Post with a statement about their “direct action.” Saying they were responding to Trump’s decision to gut the existing environmental protection policies, they made a clear message with their words on the California golf course.

Since then, the message has reportedly been covered with tarps.

One of the environmental activists told the Washington Post they hope Trump and his “corrupt administration” will hear their message and know that the administration's actions “will be met with action.” The group cited the “humanitarian crisis” caused by global warming along with animal welfare, as the motive for their actions. Eyewitness News interviewed one of the activists, who prefers to remain anonymous, and told them it was a protest piece, against the aggressive way Trump is gutting many policies that have been in place for a long time.

They felt it necessary to stand up and take action.

Not the first vandalism to Trump property

People have expressed their opinions about the president before and in similar ways. Back in October last year a man was charged with felony vandalism after attacking Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with a sledgehammer.

Unclear whether the environmentalists will face charges

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department reportedly told CBS2 they had received a call at around 8:45 a.m. on Sunday about the vandalism, and deputies were initially called to the golf course. However, shortly afterwards, they were told the deputies weren’t needed. CBS2 reportedly tried to contact the club for comment, but were told there was no one available to speak on the matter at that time.