GOP Senator John McCain, (R, Ariz.), described the Trump Administration as being in "disarray" in the wake of the forced resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Flynn offered his resignation after it was revealed that he misled Vice-President Mike Pence about his phone conversations with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. Questions arose among Democrats and Republicans alike pertaining to the implications of Flynn's emphatic failure to be truthful with Pence, who unequivocally wanted to know the nature of Flynn's telephone conversations with the Russian ambassador.
Flynn denied discussing sanctions
Upon being pointedly questioned by Pence, Flynn emphatically reassured the Vice-President that he had not discussed America's sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador. Any such discussions by Flynn constitute a violation of federal law. Pence believed Flynn and told reporters that Flynn had called Kislyak to extend Christmas greetings and to offer his condolences to the Russians after a Russian plane crash proved deadly. However, it was revealed to administration offiicials on January 26, 2017, including Pence and Trump, that Flynn had, in fact, discussed the sanctions with Kisylak.
Trump denies knowledge of damaging reports
While being questioned on Air Force One last Friday, Donald Trump, whose immigration ban of Muslim immigrants to the United States is being described by some as having been "conceived in religious liberty," stated that he was not aware of any discussion of sanctions between Flynn and Kislyak.
However, White House spokesperson Sean Spicer told reporters on Tuesday that Trump was informed of Flynn's sanctions discussion by the Justice Department as early as January 26, 2017, just six days after Trump was inaugurated President.
A three week gap
Despite having been informed of Flynn's inappropriate discussion of sanctions with Kisylak, Trump waited nearly three weeks before asking Flynn for his resignation.
According to Spicer, the three week gap could be explained by the fact that the Trump Administration was checking on the legal implications of Flynn's conversation with Kisylak before deciding on a course of action. However, the majority of political observers is having a difficult time accepting Spicer's explanation, which is generally considered lame at best.
Meghan McCain humiliates Trump
Meanwhile, Meghan McCain, the daughter of 2008 presidential candidate and current Arizona GOP Senator John McCain, tore after Trump via Twitter for stating that her father was "emboldening the enemy" for questioning the success of a Trump Administration military action in Yemen. The younger McCain responded to Trump's assertions by stating, "Trump has never served. My father can't bend one of his knees or lift one of his arms above his head," (ABC News, 2/11/17). McCain then accentuated her comments with just two very powerful words in reference to her father: "He served." To date, Trump has not tweeted any response to McCain's tweet. Sometimes there are no words, spoken or written, even for a sitting president.