The space module from Apollo 11, the most famous space module known for carrying men to the moon, is planning to go on a Road Trip across America. According to the latest reports, the space module is planning to go on a 2-year long American road trip to mark the 50th anniversary of the famous voyage.

Trip organized by the Smithsonian Institution

The road trip has been named Destination Moon: The Apollo 11 Mission and is organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. According to the director, Myriam Springuel, the team is very happy to organize this event and take the command module Columbia across America so that citizens of the country can see it and get excited about space again.

The module was the main living area for the three astronauts Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, who went to the moon in 1969. To date, Apollo 11 remains the only spacecraft that returned from the moon after traveling the one million mile journey. In the last 40 years, this spacecraft has remained at the National Air and Space Museum.

Apollo 11 road trip to stop at four famous museums across America

According to Springuel, the Apollo 11 road trip will stop at four famous museums in America. The four places are Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Houston, and Seattle. The module will be in Seattle at the Museum of Flight on July 20th, 2019, for the 50th-anniversary celebration of Apollo 11’s return to earth.

The aim of the road trip is to allow people in those cities to get a closer look at the spacecraft and be a part of the history. It has also been confirmed that around 20 important objects from the mission will accompany the tour. These items include the gloves worn by Aldrin, the rock box that contained the first samples from the moon and the star chart that was used on board.

Interactive 3D tour to be included as a part of the road trip

It has also been confirmed that the road trip will also include an interactive 3D tour displaying the inside and outside of the capsule. But, the capsule will remain closed to visitors to prevent them from entering inside it. However, through the 3D tour, they will be allowed to see the graffiti Collins scribbled after the mission, blessing the “ship” that brought them all home.

All the selected museums have already started their plans to organize the lifetime event. Organizers are making sure all the chosen venues are strong and safe enough to hold the module.

According to reports, Apollo 11 will start its road trip during the month of October 2017.