Despite President Trump's insistence on deserving (and being cheated out of capturing) the popular vote, he is quickly becoming the only president met with such enormous opposition before completing his first week in office. Various themed marches and rallies continue to form, thanks to social media and the shocking worldwide success of the Women's March on Washington. There are already plans in the works for an April 15th march, protesting Trump's refusal to release his tax returns. Now, comes word that scientists are making arrangements for a "Scientists' March on Washington." It will be interesting to see what, if anything, will transpire from the argument over "sanctuary cities" as mayors of large urban areas unite.
An increase in defiance
Currently, the twitter account for Scientists' March on Washington boasts over 70,000 followers and is growing as word spreads. After it was alleged that the Trump administration placed a ban on social media use for several federal government agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), passions were inflamed. There is also a report that the White House administration is seeking to delete the EPA's website page pertaining to climate change altogether, halting updates to the public on scientific research findings.
One Reddit user pleaded to the group to move forward with the event even though it won't change Trump's mind, it will show governing officials, who rely upon votes, that citizens are not going to sit around and do nothing.
In a statement from a newly created website, a postdoctoral fellow from the University of Texas Health Science Center, called the communications restriction absurd. The statement further explains that the march is only the starting point.
Big city mayors are pushing back
Several U.S. city mayors have flatly stated that they will not cooperate with the president's threat to cut federal funding to their "sanctuary cities."
- Boston's Mayor Marty Walsh says if people want to live there, they will live there and they can use his office if need be.
- Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel vowed that his city will stay a sanctuary city and there is no stranger among them.
- New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared that they will not change how they enforce the law in the Big Apple and cautioned that Trump's plan would also mean funding cuts from the NYPD.
- Providence, Rhode Island Mayor Jorge Elorza, a son of Guatemalan immigrants, pledged refusal to comply.
- Seattle Mayor Ed Murray has asked city departments to review their budgets and prepare for a loss of federal funding.
- San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee told reporters that Trump's executive order signature changes nothing for the Golden Gate city.