Many people tend to know "routine" black history facts. Every year, the same names pop up in searches. Yet, although they're important, what about the little known facts which are equally important.
In several cases, American history tends to water down events in its past — those which show the country in a dark state. While it's supposedly "in the past," its black history is still American history, nonetheless.
One major part of United States history is the Declaration of Independence. Little known to the majority, it's a serious part of black history as well.
However, it's not from a positive perspective.
Black History Is Still American History
The Public Broadcasting Service(PBS) once reported on black history caseDred Scott vs. Sanford. Basically, Dred Scott wanted to buy his freedom — which would've included backpay for "enslaved services," if won. Since Scottresided in Missouri— and due to the Missouri Compromise— slave ownership was illegal in that state, he could sue. So, he did, and he won.
However, afterwards, the power of attorney regardingthe situation was given overto the slave owner's brother, John F.A. Sanford, and he appealed the case and its results to the federal level.
At the time, black culture had little understanding about a widely-known principle.
Essentially, the principle was that federal courts could only hear cases from certain individuals— i.e., United States citizens. And according to the Declaration of Independence, Dred Scott wasn't considered a citizen— nor any blacks at the time, whether born on American soil or transported to the country otherwise.
The beauty of the US declaration of independence. It said, that Americans must PURSUE happiness themselves! Liberty!
— Long Live Spain USA (@LongLiveSpain) January 20, 2016
Black History And Citizenship
Although he was labeled "free" in the state of Missouri, it didn't grant him access and "acceptance" by U.S.
leaders. As concerns this black history picture, here's what Chief Justice Robert Taney had to say about the matter. In 1857, he stated as follows.
"[Blacks were]regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights that the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his own benefit."
In this particular sector of black history, in addition tonot being citizens of the United States, they were also known as "property," by the literal definition. And as notedthe Fifth Amendment, Congress wasn't allowed to take a man's property "without just compensation."
So, of course, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery for the entire nation.
Then, the 14th Amendment made blacks— and anyone else born on U.S. soil— a citizen.
While the Declaration of Independence is an American heritage, black people only became included in that particular history nearly 100 years after its creation— by then,having beentreated less than human for the course of a century.
Before black citizenship, it was legal to hunt black people and use their children as "gator bait." Yes, literally.
Alligator bait aka gator bait,is the practice of using little black children of slaves as bait to catch alligators.
— Intolerant Aravind (@Aravind8) March 15, 2015
**Gator Bait** is a racial slur....In Florida during slavery, they used slaves babies for bait to catch alligators, smh....that's sad
— RealTyme (@JaangALang) January 21, 2012
From What Perspective Are YourBlack History Pictures?
Nevertheless, maybe you had already heard this particular black history viewpoint concerning the Declaration of Independence; maybe you hadn't heard it.
However, after reading this, do you have a better understanding why certain aspects of black history have been suppressed?
In school, you possibly learned American history, including all the Amendments. But did it ever "click" that, in America— contrary to what the documentstated at the time,not all men were created equal?
Feel free to share your thoughts about this historic event. If you found this interesting, share this article with your friends. Let them know about American history that isn't widely told.