When it comes to beauty and lifestyle YouTubers, it can be hard, if not impossible to relate to them. Sponsored ads, constant hauls and consumeristic lifestyles make for mindless entertainment but nothing substantial and relevant to the average viewer. That’s why Anna Newton, of The Anna Edit, is a breath of fresh air. Her most recent YouTube video may strike a chord for those people who Work From Home.

YouTuber, Anna Newton, struggles with loneliness despite thousands of fans

Anna Newton (née Gardner) is a seasoned pro when it comes to YouTube. She’s been publishing videos since 2007, long before people were making careers out of it.

And after a decade of committed work, she’s grown a loyal and fervent fan base.

The numbers speak for themselves: 425k YouTube subscribers, 381k Instagram followers and 157k followers on Twitter. However, even with close to one million adoring fans, Newton faces the same challenges as unknown entrepreneurs: feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Coworkers can be challenging and difficult, but they also provide human connection

Internet entrepreneurs are on the rise, as are remote employees. And even though the idea of staying at home and checking things off your to-do list in sweatpants sounds appealing, spending most of your time at home has its own set of drawbacks.

It turns out that what you hate most about your office job is also what you like and need the most.

It goes without saying that no one yearns for aggravating and stressful colleagues. However, despite the challenges that are an inevitable consequence of having coworkers, there is one thing offices provide: Human Connection.

The Anna Edit offers practical tips to beat isolation and loneliness

Successful entrepreneurs, like Newton, are hungry for human connection, too.

However, instead of victimizing herself or denying the reality of her position, Newton opens up and shares her struggles in her latest YouTube video, “A Day in The Life: Homeware Haul.” What’s more, she shares practical and easy-to-do solutions.

Newton always brightens the screen with her infectious, cheerful style. But after showing her viewers that she’s taking advantage of a local co-working space, it’s evident that human connection can make all the difference.

Newton mentions feeling inspired, motivated and excited, proving that a little bit of interaction goes a long way toward creativity and productivity.

Simple changes to your home office can increase productivity and improve your mood

Newton further combats the stay-at-home blues by giving her home office a much-needed face lift. She surrounds herself with trendy prints, aromatic candles, plants and most importantly, a comfortable chair where she can sit for hours and write her witty blog posts.

As the work place changes and evolves, leaving more and more employees working from home, it’s crucial that people - especially those within the creative industries – combat loneliness and isolation. Not only will they nip emotional and psychological problems in the bud, but they can continue to provide top-notch work in their industries.