According to a new study by researchers at the University of Cambridge, a 20-minute walk a day reduces the risk of Premature Death by almost a third. The study looked at 334,000 people, but Public Health England (PHE) concluded that four in ten adult Britons fail even to have a 10-minute walk a month. That means around six million people in Britain have an increased risk of developing potentially fatal illnesses.

According to PHE, you can cut the risk of early death by as much as 15 per cent by taking one brisk walk a day. Let us look at some of the Health Benefits of walking.

Walking strengthens your heart

Walking is a great cardio exercise as it improves blood pumping without putting an extra burden on the cardiovascular system. It lowers levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases levels HDL (good) cholesterol. It reduces the likelihood of developing heart conditions like heart attack, heart failure, angina, angioplasty, coronary artery bypass surgery, etc. Walking for 30 minutes a day controls high blood pressure and reduces the risk of a stroke.

Circulation boost and increased oxygen supply in our cells give us more energy as well and help us stay alert.

Aids weight loss

Walking is a type of exercise that helps with losing weight. Choose the right shoes to feel comfortable, plan your route, maybe choose some music and enjoy walking. Drinking green tea is recommended after walking in order to recover faster after a brisk walk, so you will gradually reduce excess weight.

It improves your mood and mental attitude

The sole fact that we got up from our chair, went outside, spent some time in nature and enjoyed nice views can be enough to make us happier and feel better. We clear our thoughts through breathing in fresh air and connecting with the environment. If we walk with a dear friend, partner or family member, it can help even more to lift our spirits and have a good day.

It also helps you lose weight and tone up your body. All the more reason to get out, enjoy the weather, the nature and the nice people around you.

Walking outside provides you with vitamin D

Walking inside on a treadmill is ok but going out to do it is even better. Once we’re outside, we’re exposed to sun rays, which give us vitamin D and keep our muscles, teeth, and bones healthy. It also boosts our immune system. Making a regular stroll a part of our daily routine ensures we get outside and get our vitamin D fix.

It helps fight brain shrinkage

Researchers in Canada studied a group of 38 adults and monitored them for six months. Those people suffered from vascular cognitive impairment, a cause of dementia.

Those who had about three hours of exercise a week, that is, who regularly took brisk strolls over this period, showed improved levels of brain function. Researchers also suggest that regular walking can prevent cognitive impairment and brain shrinkage in the first place.

Every exercise is beneficial to our health, but walking might be the best one. It is low-cost or free, it doesn't require a lot of effort, and it can bring you nice memories with your loved ones. Try dedicating some portion of your time every day to take a stroll and improve your health.