A high intake of dietary vitamin D and calcium may be associated with lower risk of Early Menopause and the cessation of ovarian function before age 45, according to new research. Experts at the University of Massachusetts Amherst discovered that women who consumed the most amounts of food rich in vitamin D were 17 percent less like to undergo early menopause, when compared to participants who ate the least amount of vitamin D.

Poor nutrition can lead to early menopause

Blame it on one’s genes or lifestyle, but early menopause is sadly becoming a common problem among many women across the globe, and the symptoms are difficult to deal with. Reports indicate that 10 percent of women experiencing early menopause have higher risk of cognitive degeneration, osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Luckily, this can be prevented with the sunshine vitamin, which is important in order for our body to deliver its functions. “Laboratory evidence relating vitamin D to some of the hormonal mechanisms involved in ovarian aging provided the foundation for our hypothesis,” study author Alexandra Purdue-Smithe told EurekAlert.

The 20-year research that involved over 116,000 women started in 1989. The candidates, who took part in the prospective Nurses’ Health Study II, were tracked and followed up on a regular basis. At the time, the women were between 25 to 42 years old. They were asked about various medical conditions, as well as lifestyle behaviors. Every two years, they were asked the same question including what kind of diet they have been maintaining.

Since higher intake of vitamin D and calcium from foods, not supplements, may simply act as a marker for overall health, Purdue-Smithe emphasized that they have considered external factors like vegetable protein intake, body mass index, smoking and alcohol. Regardless, the differences in the gathered data didn’t change the stark benefit among women who consumed high levels of the essential vitamin.

Up your intake

Women are advised to make a conscious effort to reduce the intake of stimulant drinks to help rid the body of toxins and balance blood sugar. Consume dairy products such as cow’s and goat’s milk, cheese, yogurt, almonds, soy foods and broccoli to get loads of calcium. The best way to get an adequate quota of vitamin D is to walk in the sun, along with healthy intake of fortified cereals and fish oils. Additional studies are needed to see if vitamin D supplements affect early menopause, the researchers concluded.