Hi Aquarians! In today's daily horoscope for Aquarius, let's talk about your need for nature and general company.

What to expect

Today, Aquarius, your eye for detail will help you notice things no one else pays attention to today -- hold on to these little revelations until they become useful to you.

You'll feel bubbly and want to explore nature. You will feel like spending time with those who are dear to you, so take advantage of these special moments as the Moon moves in Scorpio.

Tonight you'll really feel lonely, and not even the stars will be able to comfort you very much. Be patient and ride it out. Don't be surprised if you accidentally divulge classified info today. Whoops -- it was just a slip! The best move after a mini accident like this is to smile and offer a heartfelt apology. Your charm is an asset.

If your partner is a Capricorn, all you will need is a glance or a caress to feel the most impetuous passion rise in you!

Today brings much harmony and enjoyment for you. You are much relaxed now after the stresses of the past few days. And do not be afraid to let your hair down!

The timing of today's full moon in your career sector couldn't be better. Just a day after your income matters got the green light. The full moon’s influence has lead you in a positive direction. Embrace it!

You may need to get involved with many different people and situations today, Aquarius, yet something is holding you back.

How to get through your day

To get through your day, Aquarius, you need to take care of your health and your family. For the singles, use your charm to conquer someone you like. Listen to this inner voice that's asking you to be conservative at this time. You have many more profound things to say when you filter your thoughts. Be open and accepting of things. You will be fine.

Wearing lemon color will prove lucky for you! Call a friend and organize a trip to the National Park or the mountains.

The stars and the moon are in your favor today. Be happy.

Hit the town with friends and let the stresses of the day fade away. If there is anything important that needs to be accomplished today, then schedule it between 9:20 am and 11:00 am, and you will finish it no time at all.

That’s it for today’s daily horoscope for Aquarius. If you’ve enjoyed this reading, be sure to check your horoscope for tomorrow. Thank you for reading and please share this reading with a fellow Aquarius!