China plans to set up a textile factory in the Mississippi Delta region of Arkansas and will utilize the space occupied by a former television factory to give a concrete shape to its program. The land was held by Sanyo in Forrest City and the Chinese firm will invest upwards of $400-million in the project that is expected to create hundreds of new jobs in the delta region and will come as a boon to the unemployed.
About the ambitious textile factory
According to Fox News, the Chinese firm will renovate the area occupied earlier by the Sanyo factory.
This area will now be converted into a production setup to manufacture yarn for textile use from Arkansas cotton.
During a news conference with company officials, Gov. Asa Hutchinson has indicated that such a step would boost the morale of the people of Arkansas because it will improve the economy of the region.
The new textile factory is expected to begin production by mid-2018 with the processing of more than 200,000 tons of Arkansas cotton on an annual basis. The chairman of the company looks at this venture as its first step to gain entry into the United States because the company is dedicated to providing the best quality of product.
Other Chinese projects in Arkansas
Gov. Asa Hutchinson took over office in 2015 and went to China on two occasions to follow up on trade.
Subsequently, a number of Chinese projects have come up in Arkansas and the textile factory is the fourth major project.
It is expected that many new jobs will be created over the next four years and there could be around 480 within the first two years and these will pay $15.25 an hour. These jobs will provide a big boost to the region that has faced economic struggle for a long time, especially in the aftermath of the closure of the Sanyo plant.
The investments of China will ensure betterment of the region and improve the scope of employment.
The efforts of Gov. Asa Hutchinson to woo industries into his state are necessary to revive the spirit of the people. When there is unemployment, there is an increase in the number of associated social problems, business and trade will suffer and the crime graph will rise.
Therefore, there is a need to generate employment opportunities to bring prosperity and the initiatives taken by the Chinese firms in this respect are laudable. Unemployment is a curse in society and a major problem that the administration has to handle and it has to take timely action to reduce it to the minimum in order to ensure stability in the society.