According to an article written by a pastor, there are lies that he has told in church. Also, Carey Nieuwhof listed the most common lies he tells as well as lies he has heard others tell in church. The pastor was very transparent in confessing that everything he says is not 100 percent true. He shared some of the most common lies that people tell in church.

'Doing great'

When you ask some people in church how they are doing, they will say they are doing great or fantastic or a similar description. Everybody is not always great all the time, but they say it anyway.

People refuse to tell the truth about how they are feeling or if they are struggling. While it is true that people don't need to be burdened on Sunday morning with the details of your recent surgery, or some other personal struggle, you don't always have to say you are doing great.

Inflating attendance numbers

People tend to round up everything about their local assembly. When asked how many people go to their church, they round the numbers up and up. The same thing happens when asked how many people were in attendance on a particular Sunday. People try to make their church seem more important by inflating the numbers.

'It was awesome' and 'It was awful'

No matter how bad a preacher preaches, somebody in the church will say the minister's sermon was awesome.

Actually, the preacher should take the sermon back to the drawing board because there was nothing awesome about it. That's what wrong with a lot of preaching today. So many people have told the pastor that his sermon was "awesome" when it was really "awful." Sometimes people also lie and say a sermon was awful when it was really awesome.

'Yes' and 'No'

It is not good to say, "Yes" when "No" would be a better answer. Sometimes people in church say, "Yes" just to make the pastor or others feel good. For instance, they give an affirmative answer to accept assignments they know they are not qualified for. It is better to be honest, and it also works both ways. When God prompts you to say "Yes" and you say "No," then you are disobedient.

'I’ll pray for you'

When people ask you to pray for them, you have all good intentions when you say you will. Often people forget and don't ever pray for the person they promised to pray for. The best thing to do is to stop and pray then and there. Otherwise, you might forget and may not remember it until you see the person a week later.

Saying 'Good to see you'

This one was not on Nieuwhof's list, but it is also a lie people tell in church. Sometimes on Sunday mornings, you might struggle to get to church because you don't want to see the people who talked about you in the bathroom when they didn't know you were in the stall with the door closed. You might not want to see the people who were against you in the last church meeting. When you tell them it's good to see them, you may be lying.

Pastors, ministers, church leaders and people at church don't deliberately intend to lie, but that doesn't mean they don't.