In today's daily couples lovescope for Aries, we're going to talk about making decisions. An Aries in love is a direct and forthright lover, and is not likely to play mind games, and you will typically know exactly where you stand when dating an Aries. They can sometimes be relatively aggressive and domineering partners, but it's done in a genuine, enthusiastic and bold manner which is hard to find fault with.

Overall, the excitement of dating an Aries overrides their take charge attitude. But, could this domineering personality actually sabotage your efforts for happiness?

What to expect

Here's what you can expect for today, Aries: you're going to have to make an important decision. Riding an emotional roller coaster is no fun. It's time to get off before there are more spills than thrills in your relationship. Take a moment to breathe, rather than getting caught up in mood swings. Something that happens today is going to remind you of your parents, so be ready for almost anything. You can react differently than they would if you want, though it might take quite an effort!

How to get through your day

To get through your day, Aries, make some preparations for your sweetheart. Today will be a special day in love, and you'll be swayed by passion and this will make your relationship come alive. Those of you with an Aries ascendant can expect great passion but also possible disagreements which will make love better with a Piscean. Those of you born in the third decade should try to find a way of bringing up a difficult subject. Finally, those in a relationship with a Leo will feel expansion. Lively sexuality will lead to moments of joy and care-free times.

Take note overall

Overall, Aries, relationships will thrive for you, even though they may appear to be rocky sometimes.

Take the lead and make the decisions that have to be made. Your partner will greatly appreciate it!

That's if for today's daily Couples Lovescope for Aries. If you've enjoyed this reading, be sure to check out your lovescope for tomorrow.