The British Academy Games Awards, presented by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), is one of the most prestigious events in the video game world. The year's top games go head to head in numerous categories, with a single "Best Game" also being awarded. This year, two titles dominated the lists, with Ninja Theory's "Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice" winning five awards, and "Super Mario Odyssey" taking two, but the ultimate "Best Game" being awarded to Giant Sparrow's "What Remains Of Edith Finch". This came as a huge shock to both consumers and the developers alike, beating out fan favorites such as "Super Mario Odyssey", "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", and "Assassins Creed Origins".

This story-centric adventure game focusing on the events of a cursed family over the course of a hundred years has received rave reviews from critics and consumers alike, receiving praises for its allegorical storytelling and gripping magical realism despite its relatively short two-hour playtime.

"Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice" largely swept the competition, winning awards in Artistic Achievement, Audio Achievement, Best British Game, Game Beyond Entertainment, and Melina Juergens won the award of best performer for her role as Senua. These awards are definitely deserving, too. The game has been praised for its gorgeous audiovisuals, intense difficulty and gripping, personal account of mental illness.

What about Fortnite?

No one can deny that Fortnite is the flavor of the month when it comes to online gaming.

It has largely taken the world by storm with its addicting gameplay and ease of access. Despite its popularity, though, it was beaten in all of the categories it was nominated for, losing the Multiplayer category to Larian Studios' "Divinity: Original Sin II" and the Evolving Game category to Blizzard's "Overwatch.


The Winners

Artistic Achievement, Audio Achievement, (Best) British Game, Game Beyond Entertainment, - "Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice"

Best Game - "What Remains of Edith Finch"

Debut Game - "Gorogoa"

Evolving Game - "Overwatch"

Family - "Super Mario Odyssey"

Game Design - "Super Mario Odyssey"

Game Innovation - "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild"

Mobile Game - "Golf Clash"

Multiplayer - "Divinity: Original Sin II"

Music - "Cuphead"

Narrative - "Night in the Woods"

Original Property - "Horizon Zero Dawn"

Performer - "Melina Juergens as Senua in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice"