“Pokémon GO” has announced special rewards for those who participate in this year’s Earth Day Event. According to the “Pokemon GO” website, Niantic (the creators of “Pokémon GO”) has partnered with Mission Blue to organize a worldwide cleanup event in 12 countries across the globe. Mission Blue’s website explains that they are an organization led by oceanographer Dr. Silvia Earl whose primary goal is to raise awareness and support for marine-protected areas. Mission Blue is bringing their morals and ideals to the Earth Day event by offering some clean-ups on beaches and using the platform to shed light on several non-government organizations.

The event is truly a collective effort, with local non-profit organizations coordinating Events to pick up trash and clean up certain areas, such as the previously mentioned beaches. Local community members and trainers (players of “Pokémon GO”) will work together to make their neighborhoods cleaner places.

What are the rewards?

A report by Pokémon GO Hub says that in addition to a special avatar item for all users in celebration of Earth Day, Niantic promises to give two extra Stardust when catching Ground, Water, and Grass-type Pokémon for 1500 players picking up trash. When the number of players participating in the Earth Day Cleanup Events reaches 3000, players will unlock three more Stardust when catching Ground, Water, and Grass-type Pokémon.

These rewards just might be enough to encourage more people to get involved in clean-up events near them. Niantic is killing two birds with one stone by getting players engaged in the game again while simultaneously encouraging people to pick up trash in their communities. They also pledge to make a donation to Mission Blue to show their continued support for ocean clean-up and environmental awareness.

What is Earth Day all about?

Earth Day was established in 1970 to support environmental protection. Many individuals and organizations worldwide hold events annually to earn supporters and raise awareness on current environmental issues in observance of this holiday. So far, Niantic and Mission Blue have endorsed 30 individual clean-up events globally.

If you find that there are no Earth Day clean-up events near you, you can submit suggestions for a non-government organization to host an event on the Pokémon GO Live website. The fun begins on April 22 and lasts for a 48-hour period.