"Hearthstone," a popular card game created by Blizzard Entertainment, has been around since 2014 and has made a name for itself ever since its release. There have been many tournaments around the world featuring popular and professional "Hearthstone" players. The card game has also recently introduced the Year of the Raven which featured plenty of new cards and new card mechanics. Of course, the development team put in plenty of work to make this new expansion.

The release of all the expansions in "Hearthstone" is overseen by ben Brode, a familiar face, name, and laugh, that almost everyone in the Blizzard gaming community knows about.

Ben Brode has made his mark on plenty of "Hearthstone" cards, including the latest expansion, but sadly that may have been his last. According to a Twitter post by him, he has announced that he will be leaving Blizzard and "Hearthstone."

Ben Brode's last words

In his Twitter post, there was a statement in regard to his leaving Blizzard. He has been working with the company for almost 15 years and has been working with the "Hearthstone" team for almost 10 years. It was a difficult decision for him to make, but he is on his way to starting something new.

Ben Brode's time at Blizzard was definitely memorable; he was able to cast multiple events, announce BlizzCons, and do plenty of other incredible things. He is happy that his time with Blizzard and his work on "Hearthstone" had an impact on the gaming community and it will be something he will hold dear forever.

Ben is also proud of the team he was able to join when he first joined the "Hearthstone" team and he's grateful for the people he's met and the friends he's made while being on that team.

The team he has worked with has done a lot to make "Hearthstone" become the game it is today. They frequently check the subreddit for "Hearthstone" to see what players are saying about the game or about certain cards and they work to make the game better for them.

Although he is going to be leaving Blizzard and "Hearthstone," Ben Brode knows that the company and the game will be under good management and he has high hopes for them in the future.

This is not the last of Ben Brode, though

He may be leaving Blizzard, but he stated that he will be helping to start a new company. He is excited to be designing, programming, and creating things again, so expect to see his influence on future games.

The latest "Hearthstone" expansion -- "The Witchwood" -- is now live, and the Year of the Raven is underway.