Kicking off on December 12th and running up to January 1st, Overwatch Winter Wonderland is back. Packaged in with 50 new seasonal items including legendary skins for Ana, Bastion, Roadhog, Junkrat, Sombra, and Soldier: 76, Blizzard also include last year’s gear as well as last year’s brawler in Overwatch Winter Wonderland 2017. It seems that this year, Blizzard are re-gifting last year’s presents.
Overwatch Winter Wonderland 2017 gives us new wintery seasonal makeovers for Black Forest, Kings Row, and Hanamur maps, and this year, also included is a new PVP brawler – Yeti hunter.
However, it wouldn’t be Blizzard if they didn’t pump the cracks full of fillers from last year’s loot in an obvious attempt to secure your hard earned dollars while putting in the absolute minimal effort. This year, you can re-wear legendary skins like Rudolf Roadhog, Nutcracker Zenyatta, Jingle Tracer, Scrooge McCree, Yeti Winston, and Santaclad Torbjorn, all while you re-play Mei’s Snowball Offensive again. Yay, thanks, Blizzard.
What's the new stuff in Overwatch Winter Wonderland 2017?
The new PVP – Yeti Hunter is a fast-past brawler challenge that pits five against 1. Play as the Yeti with Winston’s abilities and avoid your attackers by gathering meat to unlock your rage abilities, which ups your immunity to freeze, amongst other bonuses.
Or play as 1 of the 5 Mei’s and utilize your modified “Yeti Trap” ability to take down the enemy.
New map makeovers offer pretty cool decorated versions of the Black Forest, Kings Row, and Hanamura.
New legendary skins for Ana, Bastion, Roadhog, Junkrat, Sombra, and Soldier: 76
And just when you thought Blizzard weren’t listening to the fans, Hipster Hanzo from “Reflections” comic is here
What are Blizzard re-gifting their fans this year?
Re-gift: Mei’s Snowball Offensive.
If you didn’t play this last year, here’s your chance. Play as Mei and obliterate your enemies with your modified Endothermic Blaster. Shooting single shot snowballs which completely demolish your enemy in one hit is great fun, but once you activate Mei’s Ultimate the blaster becomes an automatic snowball launcher which fires continuous snowball mayhem, scattering your enemies.
Search snow piles to reload and mind your 6.
Re-gift: Last year’s skins are back – Rudolf Roadhog, Nutcracker Zenyatta, Jingle Tracer, Scrooge McCree, Yeti Winston, Santaclad Torbjorn
Overwatch Winter Wonderland 2017 run Dec 12 – Jan 1 and is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. It’s free to download, and you do receive one free Winter Loot Box when you log in during the period. Just wait around until next year for the discounts for this year’s cool stuff.