Exclusive Raid Battles will soon be a part of “Pokémon GO.” Niantic is reportedly sending out invites in advance to events that generally happen at a certain time and place. During these events, fans get the opportunity to coordinate with other players. The game also recently received updates for the iOS and Android versions.

Invite surfaced on Reddit

Thanks to Reddit user Carnilawl, his trainer’s journal that was updated yesterday, revealed an exclusive Raid Battle invite: Water, Precious Water in Bellevue, Washington.

The invite does not belong to the Reddit user. The image of the invite was shared on a local Discord channel that was in turn shared by Carnilawl on Reddit.

The passes are for the worldwide launch of Mewtwo, the most powerful critter in the game at this point. It is still unclear as to how Niantic is deciding who to send the passes to. Many have already reported having received the Exclusive Raid Pass at Gyms where they recently completed Raids.

Smaller communities may not gain much

According to GameRant, players with passes for specific Raids may participate in that specific activity during that time.

It should be noted that even though the Exclusive Battle Raids allow people to organize meetings with other players in large cities, it could get frustrating in smaller communities.

Those receiving Raid Passes must inform other trainers. If a certain number of people do not show up, the task won’t take place. Moreover, a key player may not turn up during a scheduled Raid. It has been over a year since “Pokémon GO” made history, making people go outside and hunt for virtual monsters.

“Pokémon GO” still going strong?

In the US, the game held the top spot for a week in July and had emerged as one of the 20 most lucrative apps of this year. From the revenue perspective too, the game has been a goldmine for Niantic, the Pokémon Company and Nintendo.

The revenue from the game has been in the range of $1.5-2 billion.

According to Bloomberg, Nintendo’s earning from equity stakes in other companies is $215 million. The bulk of this income came from Nintendo’s partial ownership of Pokémon Company. The CEO of Tokyo-based Pokémon, Tsunekazu Ishihara, recently stated that this is just the beginning for “Pokémon GO.”

Stay tuned to Blasting News for more updates on “Pokémon GO” Exclusive Raid Battles, Mewtwo and more. Meanwhile, read our counter-perspective - ‘Pokémon GO’ Gen 3 may not be as successful as everyone hopes.