"Battlefield 1" premium pass owners should prepare themselves for some brand new content, as EA Dice rolls out the expansion "In the Name of the Tsar" on September 5th, 2017.
Here is a trailer for you:
New content
The actual release date for the expansion is September 19th, but "Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar" can be experienced by owners of the game's premium pass starting from the 5th of next month. That is a whole two weeks before the rest of the world gets their hands on it.
Is the DLC worth it? Well, if you are impressed by such things, it did win the best "Add-on" award during this year's Gamescom.
"B In the Name of the Tsar" will also be the biggest expansion the highly acclaimed FPS has received up to this date.
In terms of actual content, six new maps are going to be added once it is released and the Russian army will also be introduced. To take advantage of the new soldiers, some of the maps are directly related to them. For example, "Tsaritsyn" takes place within the streets of Russia as the Red and White army battle it out for the country. "Brusilov Keep" sees the Russians pushing back the Austro-Hungarians into a small town in the mountains.
Moving away from maps, "Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar" adds quite a bit more content as-well. Eleven new weapons, ranging from M91s to grenade, and new vehicles will be introduced.
In terms of vehicles, the DLC includes a Heavy Bomber and an Armored Car.
Coastal gun batteries make their debut, which is a powerful stationary weapon. This introduced a new dynamic to the combat, which continues to make "Battlefield 1" one of the most well rounded FPS on the market.
New game mode
Even more surprisingly, and probably one of the main reasons that the DLC won during Gamescom, is an entirely new game mode called "Supply Drop".
It is a pretty interesting concept as well, with players prioritizing locating resources dropped by airships instead of killing their opponents.
After "Battlefield Hardline" and the recent "Call of Duty" games, "Battlefield 1" went back to the franchise's roots and pleased fans no end. The basic game, which is available on Origin Access for those on the fence, offers a genuinely robust experience which covers an impressive array of battles from World War I.
The graphics are second to none, and the multiplayer is fun and challenging. This new DLC might not be a must buy for those who only play sparingly, and we will have to wait and see how popular the new game mode will be, but it is a welcome addition.