It's that time of the year again,

summer is one of the best times for gamers to indulge in their hobby. E3 is coming up and gamers will be informed of the Video Games that are going to drop. One of the major changes being made this year is holding part of E3 open to the public in the Coliseum instead of just the press. This is something gamers have been waiting for years to happen, instead of watching E3 in front of a computer screen, we can finally attend the biggest gaming conference in the world.

One of the video games that have been announced for E3 (and hopefully the Coliseum as well) is the new Middle Earth game. The nemesis system is one of the reasons it took me months to beat Shadow of Mordor. Every single time an orc would get promoted because of my death, I would impulsively try to find him and attack him again and end up dying another time, refusing to turn the difficulty down. Other announcements include that the Xbox conference will be set in 4k resolution and will show off the Xbox Scorpio. This would put Xbox ahead of Sony considering Sony has made no E3 announcements for the PlayStation 5 and only rumors are surfacing.

Perhaps Sony is saving their announcement solely for E3 to help cause a media storm the day after the conference. So far, there have been over 90 games that have been listed to appear at E3. Let's go over some of the biggest announcements so far:


Activision has three games on its list so far and I find each one to be worthy of mentioning.

Call of Duty WWII it's obvious what the setting of this game is just from the title. Call of Duty is going back and revisiting World War two, this just makes me think how many times can this setting be revisited without it getting worn out?

Destiny 2 This is definitely a big deal considering how big Destiny's launch was. With all of the DLC released for the original, it's definitely time to move on and see where Destiny 2's story takes the players, and how many people are still interested in playing.

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy One of my personal favorite announcements so far, this game goes back to the roots of platforming, box breaking, and apple collecting. Hopefully, people will still be interested in playing this game considering Banjo Kazooie's return disappointed its fan base with the Nuts & Bolts fiasco.


Quake Champions This will be a game that's hopefully going to shake up the Esports scene, it'll bring back fast paced twitch shooting for the new generation of gamers.


Star Wars Battlefront II I don't really have much to say other than good luck, the first Battlefront tanked and much of the player base will have to think twice about giving Dice another shot on this one.

BattleField 1: In the Name of the Tsar We've been told that France and Russia would be getting DLC, female soldiers, not much else to say.

Madden, FIFA, and NBA 18 Expect more of the same, the formula for sports games has been the same for years; definitely works though, Go Madden



Sea of Thieves Ever since Sid Meier's Pirates, I've been waiting for the Pirate game to fill the hole that Pirates left. This game offers ship to ship combat where the ships are completely manned by your crew of other players.

State of Decay 2 People have been saying for a while that zombie games have reached their peak and are dying out. I like to disagree, I don't think zombies will ever become a tired genre, we just need an occasional break from the zombie genre.


Sony is really knocking it out of the park this year with a huge amount of mentionable games that they have announced which are available for pre-order.

God of War An oldie, but a goodie, everyone should have heard that God of War is getting a reboot and that Kratos is getting ready to demolish even more of his enemies.

Death Stranding Remember PT? It really sucks that development was canceled on that since Kojima left Konami. Oh, they're developing it under Sony and it still has Norman Reedus? Awesome!

Detroit: Become Human This is a new IP that has you play as a hostage negotiating Android with heavy dialogue options. It's probably going to be linear and heavily narrative driven. Considering how well Sony works with story driven games, this should be a home run.

Spiderman It was previewed at E3 last year, Not much information has been released about this game, other than a teaser trailer that shows pretty graphics and Spidey's new costume.

The Last of Us II There is nothing I can say about this Franchise that already hasn't been said, it's probably one of the best franchises out there, along with....

Uncharted, The Last Legacy Uncharted exclusives were what made the PS3 popular, there is no doubt this will continue with the PS4 and beyond.

Square Enix

Kingdom Hearts 3 Final Fantasy XV and now Kingdom Hearts 3, there's no reason not to be hype for a game 11 years past its due date.

Take Two Interactive

Read Dead Redemption 2 Hopefully this gets a PC release faster than Red Dead Redemption (still waiting).

Is it bad that I played poker in RDR more than the actual game?

One of the honorable mentions that I hope becomes a meme more than a good video game would be the Neil Degrasse Tyson video game coming out.