A 106-year-old YouTuber just proved to the world that one can cook scrumptious chicken without fancy kitchen appliances.
By cutting open a ripe watermelon, this Granny from a rustic village transformed the melon rind into a cooking pot. The result: Mouthwatering, aromatic chicken, but without the weird fruity flavor.
By scooping out the sweet, fleshy mesocarp of the watermelon, Mastanamma (that's her name!) used the melon rind as a cooking pot. She then stuffed the chicken along with the herbs and spices into the “melon pot” and allowed it to boil.
This video details her rustic cooking style.
How Watermelon Chicken came to be
No one knows how or when Mastanamma conceptualized the idea of Watermelon Chicken. But when she did, she set a new trend for outdoor cooking. Her unsophisticated, unrefined, wildly raw cooking techniques have taken the internet by storm. Today, Mastanamma has millions of active followers across the world, who each day wait for rustic, country-style innovation. And the old-timer never disappoints. Everyone who has subscribed to her channel fondly calls her “granny.”
Portrait of the granny chef
Mastanamma could have easily been Shakespeare’s muse. Age cannot wither this granny, nor custom stale her infinite variety. The 106-year-old hails from a small village called Gudiwada in Andra Pradesh, India.
Although old and shriveled, Mastanamma is fiercely independent and does not rely on anyone for help.
Recently, Mastanamma’s grand daughter used plantain stalks to cook chicken.
She followed the same concept of Watermelon Chicken and the result was mouthwatering.
Her YouTube Channel
Mastanamma’s YouTube channel “Country Foods” is managed by her grandson.
The channel has over 700,000 subscribers, and receives an average of five million views per video. The channel, which focuses on rustic, country style cooking, focuses on using five elements of earth to prepare a healthy, hearty, wholesome meal.
Her how-to video on Watermelon Chicken has so far garnered 10 million views.
“Mastanamma is a legend.
She is smart and intelligent and one of the best chefs in the world,” says Laxman Karre, her grandson who shoots the videos for her.
Karre decided to create this channel for his grandmother to promote healthy outdoor cooking. With her culinary sleight of hand, she also recreated a few Western dishes, such as KFC chicken.
Here is Mastanamma’s stuffed tomato egg omlette.
Mastanamma recreates KFC chicken.
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