YouTube Premium gets ads: 5 Top furious tweets

YouTube delivers ads to Premium customers, take flak on Twitter - Image credit - CCO / Pixabay
YouTube delivers ads to Premium customers, take flak on Twitter - Image credit - CCO / Pixabay

YouTube started delivering adds to Premium customers and they took to Twitter to rant at them.

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Blasting News

YouTube Premium started delivering ads to signed up customers and it infuriated them. On Twitter and on Google Support, customers were notified with an update that said they work hard to resolve the issue that seems to be associated with "Bluetooth" and headphones. They said they were investigating, but after hours and hours, complaints still rolled in on Twitter. Here are five of those tweets.


YouTube get paid for a reason and it's not for ads

This angry tweet, like so many others complained that they pay for a reason. The reason is that they don't want the ads.


So annoying - the Kardashian meme

This user used a good meme to explain how it feels to pay premium and get ads on YouTube.


When you have YouTube Premium and get told you need it

This Twitter user got angry because they have YouTube Premium but YouTube tells them need to get Premium.

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