Rick and Morty: 5 crazy and funny memes

Wondercon 2016 - Rick and Morty Cosplay Cosplay at WonderCon 2016. [Image by William Tung / Wikimedia Commons]
Wondercon 2016 - Rick and Morty Cosplay Cosplay at WonderCon 2016. [Image by William Tung / Wikimedia Commons]

Some funny and crazy memes crafted by fans of Rick and Morty, the cult TV series.

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Get Schwifty!

The "Get Schwifty" meme went viral in a short time, it's an absurd version of American Idol.


Give me the sauce!

Rick has an obsession for special McNugget sauce from McDonald's.


A very hard life

Nihilism as a way of life in Rick and Morty, no exceptions.

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