"Dragon Ball Super" is one of the most famous anime series in the world. The Tournament of Power of the series ended on March 25. Since then, fans have been waiting for the makers to announce the next part of the TOP or a brand new anime series of "Dragon Ball Super." Unfortunately, no announcement has been made about the imaginary continuation of the anime series, but a message from Akira Toriyama leaves hope for the future.

At the end of the Jump Festa panel, a message was released that the creator of Dragon Ball which brought hope for fans all over the world.

According to the first translations, the sensei has promised a new project coming up, but it is still not clear if it will be a new anime series or the next film.

Here is his message

"To all adult men with the heart of a boy, but also to all the possible girls who share the same spirit, please go to the cinema and get excited with the new movie. Personally, for me working on Dragon Ball is a bit like finding myself in a battle, and if I have to be totally frank, it's something I do not like very much! But you must know that, for some reason, there is this new project that makes me really excited when it comes to writing a story. In short, by now I will also be an old geezer, but know that I'm working on a new project.

In short, you resent my next job!"

- Akira Toriyama

Unfortunately, neither the sensei, Toei Animation, nor Shueisha provided further details on the nature of this project. One thing is certain, "Dragon Ball Super" will continue. We await clarification from Toriyama, at this point, on the future of the franchise. Meanwhile, "Super Dragon Ball Heroes" is still running at the moment.

'DBS' Broly

"Dragon Ball Super: Broly" has been in Japanese cinemas for almost three weeks, and continues to break records of public and revenue, as evidenced by the goal of two billion yen passed by a few days, reports ComicBook a week ago.

The new earning figures of the movie are yet to come. Obviously, this is only the beginning, with the film ready to cross the borders of Japan and land on the other continents. The promotional machine is therefore far from stuck, and still has many aces to play. The USA release of "Dragon Ball Super: Broly," is ready to canonize characters like Gogeta and the Broly. Programmed by Anime Factory and Koch Media for January 16, 2019, fans can still expect contributions like artworks, which can entertain us during the wait. Stay tuned for more news and update on anime.