5 Twitter reactions to the attacks on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC has come under fire for her views [Image via Mark Dillman/Wikimedia Commons]
AOC has come under fire for her views [Image via Mark Dillman/Wikimedia Commons]

The youngest congressperson serving in Washington has taken quite a bit of heat on her ideas and Twitter is reacting.

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New congressperson Alexandria Ocasio-Ortez has taken quite a bit of heat, from her dancing in college to her tax plan. Republicans have been lobby attacks at her since her election. Now Twitter is taking on those attacks.


Men melting down.

One user pointed out a group of men who aren't happy when AOC makes a statement.


Stupid people calling others stupid

One user pointed out some Republicans aren't as smart as they like to pretend.


The health care attacks

One user pointed out the oddities of the Republicans attacking health care and AOC to boot.

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