GoT fans react to Season 8 teaser

An image from new 'GoT' trailer. - [GameofThrones / YouTube screencap]
An image from new 'GoT' trailer. - [GameofThrones / YouTube screencap]

HBO dropped the new promo video for the final season of 'Game of Thrones,' and fans on Twitter have had quite a reaction.

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HBO just dropped a new teaser video on Friday (December 7) titled Dragonstone. The video may have offered some clues as to what could happen in "Game of Thrones" Season 8. But despite the fact that the teaser was fairly short (39 seconds), and didn't show any new footage, fans on Twitter have had quite a reaction. Let's check it out.


Fire and Ice

Before delving into reactions, check out the Dragonstone teaser if you already didn't. It's quite awesome, isn't it?


This teaser got me like

"Game of Thrones" fans are having a hard time staying calm.


Fire + Ice = Dragonglass

Well, that's certainly one way of looking at things.

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