"Mom" is a half-hour sitcom on CBS Thursday nights, starring Anna Faris as Christy Plunkett and Allison Janney as Bonnie, a daughter, and mother who are both recovering addicts. The show has been nominated for multiple Emmys and other awards and has been prominent on CBS's comedy lineup for 5 seasons.
It's funny, engaging, and full of heart, and here are 5 more reasons to check it out
1. Anna Faris And Allison Janney are a match made in comedy heaven
The two comediennes have amazing chemistry as these two flawed women trying to make it through their lives without drugs and alcohol.
They face incredible odds and life struggles that we can all relate to, even if you're not a recovering addict. Their humanity is part of what makes them great to watch.
It's no surprise that Janney has won several awards for her role as Bonnie. She is currently nominated for a best-supporting-actress Oscar for her role in 'I, Tonya'.
2. The rest of the cast is just as great
With Mimi Kennedy as Christy's sponsor Marjorie, Jaime Pressley as rich divorcee in recovery Jill, and Beth Hall as nurse Wendy, Faris and Janney's social circle of AA sisters offers plenty of laughs from a diverse group of women. With guest stars like Octavia Spencer, who is also nominated for an Oscar this year for her role in 'The Shape of Water,' Missi Pyle, Faris's former husband Chris Pratt, and Justin Long, the show can appeal to a wide sitcom-watching audience.
3. 'Mom' is not afraid to tackle some tough subjects
"Mom" doesn't just focus on addictions. Topics like death, overdose, abuse, teen pregnancy, divorce, adoption, and blended families are covered with a style and grace that make it accessible to a broad audience. In the first season, Christy's daughter Violet, played by Sadie Calvano, got pregnant by her high school boyfriend and the show covered the difficult decision of Violet deciding to give the child up for adoption and how she went about that.
4. It comes from a long line of well-written sitcoms
With hits like "The Big Bang Theory" and "Two and A Half Men," it's no surprise that Chuck Lorre produced another winner with "Mom." Viewers who have come to expect well-crafted characters, quick wit and well-executed jokes from a Lorre show will be happy to see that it was continued with this female-led program.
Lorre and his team have the ability to create stories and characters that stay with the viewers and become part of their every day lives.
5. And it's funny
Even if you're just looking for a quick laugh, by turning on "Mom" you will not be disappointed.
"Mom" airs Thursday nights on CBS, and be sure to cheer on Allison Janney at the 2018 Oscars on March 4.